Women's Ministry of our church held a cooking show called The Master's Kitchen. Every cell group presented three entries: sandwich, drink, and dessert. The dishes have to be nutritional, economical, creative and sumptous.
I was assigned to do the dessert for our group. Of course I wasn't confident to do it. I think I'm the least qualified to do it compared with women from other groups. Our church's women are highly esteemed home makers and cooks, and I think I'm not yet on their league.

Anyways, I prepared something - simple though. Originally it was Squash Pastillas, but the consistency of the pastillas was not good. So I modified it and lo, it tasted like yemas. harhar. So I just called it Squash Yemas in Coco Sugar. (Will post the recipe and Nutritional Benefits and Economic Value later.)

Guess what? We bagged the Best in Dessert. It's what I least expected, but God favored our dish. Will expound on this story later. All I can say is TGBTG! To God be the glory!


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